The Backyard Oasis

The Backyard Oasis

DateSeptember 2021
LocationNew Rochelle, NY


The owners of this home had previously worked with us on the remodel of their kitchen, and now wanted to do a makeover on their backyard. Since their children are older now, they wanted the backyard to have a relaxing and oasis feel to it. They usually host a lot of gatherings therefore they wanted their backyard to be very welcoming and guest-friendly.


The   A R K K I F Y   Solution

Based on the client’s requests, we decided to separate the backyard into 2 zones; one for cooking/dining and one for seating/relaxing. These two spaces are connected by a staggered walkway which is inspired by the landscape design in New York City. When we presented the design proposal to our clients they were amazed by the transformation of their backyard and said it is even better than what they had imagined!