The Clinton

DateMarch 2021
LocationNew Rochelle, NY

This house had been purchased by its owners more than 20 years ago, and they felt it was time for a change. They did not know exactly what they wanted the space to look like, and only knew they wanted the space to be completely redone, and have a very modern look to it. The homeowners were unsure of what to do since hiring an architect is expensive and they wanted to spend all of their budget on the kitchen itself, They heard about A R K K I F Y and were willing to give it a try given the affordable prices.

The   A R K K I F Y   Solution

After having a virtual consultation with the homeowners and their family, we were able to design a suitable layout and show them what exactly it would look like. We tried out different materials and colors to be sure of what would be perfect for this family and after a few modifications, their perfect kitchen was modeled right before their eyes! The homeowners were shocked to see how much a different layout could make the same space look so much larger. “We are so happy that we were able to test out different layouts in 3D before making final decisions”. said the lady of the house. This family has started the construction process to build their dream kitchen which is seen here.